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Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapter 4: The Minion Assembly

Cookie whistled as she sauteed grubs on the stove. It was nearly suppertime, and she knew that sauteed grubs with a hint of lemon juice was Tiggerpaka's favorite. Just as Cookie was cutting up a lemon, Nutello came dashing through the kitchen door. "What-" Cookie began, but Nutello shook her head.
"No time to explain. Meeting in the plotting room."
"But the grubs-"
"Just leave them. Tiggerpaka called all of the minions to the meeting."
Cookie looked sadly at the sizzling grubs, and followed Nutello out the door.

Soon, Nutello had a whole trail of Tiggerpaka's minions following her. They wound their way down halls, avoiding the small  tables here and there with busts of regal-looking meerkats on them. As the minions walked through the halls towards the plotting room, the eyes of the many portraits of meerkats on the walls seemed to follow them, glaring silently down.

At last, when all of the minions were assembled in the plotting room of headquarters, Tiggerpaka entered. He  had put on his long, dark cape, and it was swishing about as he began to pace back and forth in front of the assembled minions.
"Minions. You probably don't know why I have summoned you here at this hour," he said, still pacing. "But, I believe Nutello has something to share with you before I begin." All faces turned to Nutello, who cleared her throat.
"Ahem. Yes. Well, I have been looking at this so called 'To-Do List.' However, it appears, that it was written in code."
Several of the minions muttered, "Drat that FireBlade and his codes."
Nutello began again. "Well, using one of my useful computer programs, not to mention my cleverness, I have cracked this new code."
Most of the minions looked impressed. Some even whistled. Nutello smiled, and continued speaking.
"It appears FireBlade used a well-known form of code called Circumstra." Nutello then demonstrated how the code worked to the thunderstruck minions. When she was finished, she held up a piece of parchment with writing on it.
"This is the cracked code!" She handed it to Tiggerpaka, who scanned it, and gasped.
"So that's what TireBlade is up to..."

Later that day, all of the minions were dashing all over headquarters, doing tasks and jobs, while Tiggerpaka sat in his study, contemplating the parchment and munching on slightly burnt fried grubs. Nota Bene walked in. "You called for me, Tiggerpaka sir?"
Tiggerpaka nodded, and handed her the parchment. "Yes, I did. I want you to read over Tireblade's plans, and formulate a plan to make sure they don't go into action....whatever it may take."

Author's Note:
Moar suspense!
Sorry for the short can put my teachers on the #2 list, Tiggerpaka, for giving out so much homework!


  1. nice job Milne! I can't wait to see what Nota does with it!!

  2. :( I don't like Cookie' role.

    P.S. It's not the author's fault, really. But I think Cookie must also be just as important, not a normal cook who is girly and pleasant. She very quick-tempered. :( Sorry about this, but I know you'd feel that, too, if you were 'Cookie'.

    1. perhaps she appears girly and pleasant, but she is like a super ninja in disguise!! Everyone has underestimated her for years and when things look like there is no hope, she saves the day! Author invite has been sent; you are assigned Chapter 9 and you can make it about Cookie and re-establish her character however you'd like.

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