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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chapter 10: Plan M

Nutello whistled as she wandered aimlessly down the hall. She paused right outside of Tiggerpaka's office. Voices floated from inside, low and excited. One of them had a distinct country accent. Nutello shrugged to herself, and continued walking.

Inside the office, Tiggerpaka and Yoho were discussing something in low voices. In front of them were several maps, a large diagram, and a large crate of dynamite. Milne was there too; she was sketching out more diagrams and maps as dictated by Tiggerpaka. "So, Milne," Tiggerpaka said, "you are sure Tiredblade has relocated his base to the subways of New York?" Milne nodded and continued sketching. "And, you are      sure that the only way to enter it is through the 2100 train on the silver track?" Milne nodded again. "Then it's settled," Tiggerpaka said firmly. "We will begin to execute Plan M tonight at 2030."
"'Cuse meh," interrupted Yoho, "but wha' in tarnation does the 'M' in "Plan M" stand fer?"
Tiggerpaka snorted. "M stands for Meerkat, obviously."
"Because meerkats are superior to jaguars?" Milne suggested. Tiggerpaka nodded.

Later in the day, Milne, Nutello, and Anonsi were in the mess hall. Mimi walked out of the kitchen with a tray of ice-cold lemonade. She set it down with a bang. "So, how long until you begin Plan M?" she asked, taking a sip of her own lemonade.
"2 more hours," said Anonsi, slurping on her lemonade. Mimi turned and walked back into the kitchen.

At 2030 hours, Nutello and Anonsi were outside of the subway, each laden down with a bulky package. "About time," Nutello said, and they began pacing up and down. At last, when the train arrived, it was empty. Anonsi and Nutello took their seats, and Anonsi pressed the button labeled "Rest Stop -- Underground." The train zoomed down the track. 10 minutes later, they arrived at a crumbling gate.
"Could have picked a nicer place for a base," Anonsi remarked. Nutello nodded, and they crept silently into Tiredblade's base. They had only walked about 10 paces when a loud alarm went off. Tiredblade's minions swarmed from seemingly nowhere and surrounded Nutello and Anonsi.

In his office, Tiredblade watched the scene unfold. "Yes," he breathed. "I've got you now, Tiggerpaka."

Author's note:

-suspenseful music-


  1. I call writing next chapter. *has ideas*

  2. cant wait for next chapter! :D

    btw meerkats are so much better then jaguars in every way..
